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So what is XML DNS Admin.
XML DNS Admin WILL enable an administrator to manage multiple BIND zone files from a single web interface. I decided to use XML for two reasons,
1) It makes the orginisation of the data easy.
2) I wanted to program in XML

What do I need to use XML DNS Admin.
At the present time the program is only a concept, I have written the main code to list the zone file, add, edit and delete entries but that is all.
It DOES NOT work as an application yet.

What features will it include.

  • Zonefile creation (XML) Complete
  • User authentication and access control
  • Record validation (check existance on CNAME targets, valid IP addresse etc) Basic checks complete but more work needed
  • Reverse DNS (when an a record is created, create a PTR record)

  • This is only a quick overview of the features, I will add more features as I start using the app and get feedback from end users

    If you feel that you could help with any of the above or think I have missed any core features drop me an email at stuart at wolstenholme dot net